Eleanor Young Clinic located at 134 Franklin Street in Albany, New York provides local drug and alcohol treatment programs for those struggling with substance abuse. Eleanor Young Clinic provides help for those struggling with drug and alcohol abuse. Other addiction treatment options include Counseling that help those struggling with drug and alcohol addiction to get the effective treatment that they need.
For those that are seeking affordable drug rehab in Albany, New York, then entering addiction treatment at Eleanor Young Clinic is the right choice. Eleanor Young Clinic generally accepts struggling addicts of most age groups, i.e. 18+ to enroll in their available addiction rehabilitation programs.
Eleanor Young Clinic also takes commonly accepted insurances, i.e. Most Insurances, and certain types of payment such as: American Express, Cash or self-payment, Check, Mastercard, Visa. Eleanor Young Clinic can be contacted through their website at www.pyhit.com.
If you are truly interested in staying clean and sober, the folks here actually want to help and will take the time to be honest and forthcoming. However, if your just looking for some prescriptions, some suboxen, or are just trying to get yourself out of trouble and aren't really interested in recovery, this probably isn't the place for you.
Looks like some people may be getting some help but the rooms had few persons in Medical Clinic,Honor Court, and Educational Training. The outside of building specifically the entrance showed evidence of cigarettes and other dirty debris. Inside of building had strong odor which smelled like gas but may have been just of age. A different building or renovation may improve milieu and thus encourage more people to be involved. The work is being done surely, but why for so few? My guess would be lack of staff and funding. My past service as a volunteer was short lived do to lack of support for my efforts.